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Tuesday, 25 August 2015

A Gastronomic Weekend

We were cooking up a storm last weekend from Friday night til Sunday night, obviously no rest for the gastronomically wicked. We normally treat our kids to McDonalds on Friday nights (we call that a treat, bad parents :-)) to spare us from washing (aha there you go) instead I cooked salmon and baked broccoli with cheese. On top of that I made a rich chocolate mud cake that I also brought to our connection group on Saturday. I tell you it’s the best tasting mud cake ever, I’m happy that I finally got the perfect recipe. Better than any store bought, well, I always stop and buy rich and dark chocolate cakes and brownies in every cafĂ© that I see around Sydney.

Mud Cake
Doesn't it look moist and inviting?

Rich dark and wicked chocolate mud cake

Saturday night, we met up with our groupies for dinner and I cooked this Singaporean style chicken Laksa. I guess it’s just right for the cold weather as this dish is a bit spicy and soupy. It went first before the other dishes present, hmm… what does that tell you :-)?

Chicken Laksa
Where are the chopsticks when I need them?
Sunday lunch time was the only rest we had as we got the kids Subway sandwiches. At night our stove and oven were busy again as I prepared this chicken penne for the boys, I’m glad Jace loves pasta too just like his big brothers. This is the boys’ weekly staple food and they want the same flavour seriously, no modification nor alteration. One time I was running out of white penne so I substituted it with wholemeal. They were not convinced it would taste the same but I managed to talk over that it’s a chocolatey version. You can’t believe their major disappointment as they shed bucket of tears why did I wreck their favourite food. From that time on my pantry always has a stock of white pasta of all forms.

Chicken penne with brocolli and cheese

Can you believe they can finish this large tray in one go?

We have a lot of parsley growing in our garden so hubby made a Lebanese quiche with it. It’s his first time to do this dish so I forgive him for lacking of salt but the flavour is undeniably yummy, eggy and creamy. This goes well with fresh garden salad and uhhmmm mud cake afterwards :-).

Parsley Quiche
Quiche with parsely

The problem when making dessert is if there is a leftover I can’t resist of eating it every day til it’s gone. And this is true with my mud cake since I deliberately left a big piece for me. Well, I hope I won’t gain weight after this week, serves me right for loving chocolates so much :-(.

Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge. - Proverbs 14:26

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