This has been discontinued already so the safest place to get with a guaranteed authenticity is through or from other reputable online shops like Ebay is also a good source but buy at your own risk since the buyer is dealing directly to an individual seller who can be a crook advertising it as authentic when it’s not. Even worse if they post an authentic item and replace it with a knock-off when they send it. Sure, Paypal can protect the buyer but can you imagine the pain you will undergo in trying to get the refund? Still you can get good authentic finds from ebay though just check out the seller’s selling rating.
I was not planning to take it with me to the mall and do a photo shoot but my entourage (my adorable pamangkins J) prodded me to use it not leaving in the car for a possible attraction to the prowlers. So there I took it, transferring all my other belongings from Oroton to my new LV making my shoes and bags mismatched. Can’t believe the feeling as I was holding it like a baby (not as gentle as my real baby Jace though, promise!) and walking giddily haha. We had lunch of pasta and pizza in Charlie Lovett cafĂ© overlooking the marina. We then decided to do a little photo session with my newly acquired leather good, thanks to my ever patient companions. Shopping still went as normal although my wallet felt lighter.
Ahhh... shopping without the boys :) |
That was an awesome day with LV on one hand and my shopping bags on the other. Oh not forgetting to mention I brought everyone sweets (tart/mousse) from Jean Louis Joseph as a celebration haha (what a cray!) including my boys who were left at home.
Meringue custard pie, Chocolate mousse and Blueberry Almond tart for the boys |
This bag just started it all, I told my nieces that it was the only time I would get this kind of purchase but they were not convinced. I hate to admit the truth but they were just argghhh... right.
Black dress from Forever 21
Knitwear from Cotton on
Damier canvas bag from Louis Vuitton
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me."-John 14:1
What a great and classic bag, too bad it is discontinued.
ReplyDelete~xo Sheree
IG: @poshclassymom
I agree, it looks great and classic.
DeleteCongrat on your new LV! My first designer bag was a chanel! Happy Wednesday sweetie!
Thank you, happy Thursday to you. Chanel was my 3rd bag.
Deletecongrats!!! it's beautiful!
Thank you heaps!
Thanks a lot!
DeleteLove that bag.
ReplyDeleteGucci is one of the best designers bag :)
The Bandwagon Chic | Instagram | Bloglovin | Snapchat: bandwagonchic
Thanks heaps!
DeleteLove the handbag! Gorgeous pictures too! :)
Aww thank you!!!