Hi, in case you stumble into my blog by chance I have moved platform from Blogger to Wordpress. To see my updated blog design and the actual website with my new posts including these 2 trends please go to www.busyandfab.com. See ya!!!
Yes, Sydney has a Central Park too but not in acres and acres of land for exploration but an urban space occupied mostly by a mall and an outdoor area for leisure purposes. It's located right in the heart of the city, very close to Central station and next door to a known university. How could I miss this building when it was a block away from my old work? But it wasn't a popular hang-out spot back then and fast forward to today surely nobody will miss this eco-friendly edifice. From the distance one will be able to spot it because of its unique appearance with lots of green plants and ferns hanging from all four sides.
I'm back again with another embroidered item but this time in jeans. I haven't purchased jeans for quite sometime because when I do I make sure it's not something similar to what I had in my pile of jeans. I can honestly say, I haven't met a pair of jeans that I didn't like :). And this recent one I got from Rosegal ticks the boxes, with pretty embroidery details, nice blue shade and comfortable which is the most important of all.
Had I not blog about this I wouldn't have noticed that there are only 4 dominant colours in these pictures and these are grey, blue, black and white. Just exactly what I was wearing too. And these are the same colours that resemble winter for me. I didn't really plan to wear this outfit but this was the most comfortable ensemble that I grabbed that day I took my sis to Darling Harbour. I didn't know I would match perfectly with the buildings and the surroundings of the area.
I find swing dresses shapeless and hard to style without using a belt until I saw this dress. First of all, I'm crazy about embroidery trend as of the moment so honestly if this dress doesn't have embroidery on it my chance for me to get this is nil. But the intricate embroidery has won me over.
One of the items on the to-do list when my sis came from overseas was to visit the Three Sisters in Blue Mountains. Since there's 3 of us girls in the family we can have a pic together with the caption 'The 3 sisters at the 3 sisters', how fun and cheesy haha.
Ok, here I am again with my scored embroidered pieces but this time the whole look is courtesy from Zaful. I hope this trend wouldn't slow down yet as I still enjoy rocking in them. While the jacket and shorts were separates I made sure the embroidered figures are similar and of the same colour. That way it won't clash and give a cluttered look.
I know I'm late with my post this week, it was a long weekend and my family and I went in and out of town. Spending time with them was priceless though I'm out of budget now I'm still glad I've made several photo shoots for the blog. One of the events we went was Vivid Sydney which is occurring for 3 weeks during winter in the central part of the city.
My sis from overseas is visiting and one of her bucket list is to pick apples from the orchard. So we went to Bilpin last Saturday which is a 2 hour-drive west of Sydney to pick not only apples red and green but also oranges and mandarin. Unfortunately, the oranges were not yet ready and the mandarin is in another location but I was happy enough to be able to come out of my normal Saturday routine.
Obviously, I'm going crazy with embroidery trend and there's no sign of stopping. I've had so many floral pieces I showcased in my blog already but let me add this rose embroidered mini skirt to my list. Embroidery designs are large, high-contrast and often multi-coloured, hence, they are not limited to a single colour. There is nothing subtle about this trend, it is designed for maximum impact.